Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Brussels and Cabbage and Chard, Oh My!

Finally, after weeks of planning, scheduling, and rain delays, the cool weather veggies are all planted.
Lettuce, cabbage, brocolli, cauliflower, kale, chard, brussel sprouts, turnips, radishes, spinach, carrots,
bok choy, beets, arugula.....Whew! Who knew there was so much to plant in the Fall?

Grades K-2 worked hard digging, planting, and creating beautiful plant markers for their
plants. The seeds are sprouting, some a bit more slowly than others. The plants are thriving in this
recent spell of cool weather. The lettuce is almost ready for a delicious salad.

In the coming weeks, we will  spread a nice blanket of mulched leaves over these veggies
and, hopefully, many will survive over the winter.

Look forward to photos of all of the crops coming in.

Did I forget to mention that garlic will be planted in early December? I really think that a garden never sleeps!!!

An Apple a Day

A few weeks ago, the parents and children of Miss Gallagher's first grade class, donated and planted a dwarf apple tree in the Learning Garden, in memory of Miss Gallagher's father who recently passed away.
What a heartfelt way to honor someone so special.

Yesterday, two additional apple trees were planted, on either side of that first tree, so that
they will cross pollinate and produce beautiful apples in the coming years.

On your next visit to the garden, stop by and see how the trees are doing.
They are absolutely beautiful!


Below is information about our most recent award!!! Way to go and congrats to all who've made Makefield a school to be proud of!! K.

At the last meeting of the EAC on Wed. Oct. 12, 2011 by a unanimous decision, the Environmental Stewardship Award has been given to the Makefield Learning Garden and the “Green Team” of Makefield Elementary School. 
The “Green Team” is composed of Donna Mc Cormick-Miller, Principal; Roberta Stafford, LMT resident; Tom Guest, 3rd Grade Teacher; Jim Parsons, Gym Teacher, Jim Bray, LMT resident & EAC member; and Susan Mazzitelli, LMT resident. 
It also helps support the Sustainability Plan that has been developed as part of our “Cool Cities Award” recognition.  An award ceremony will be arranged for a later date.  They have a blog at http://mklearningarden.blogspot.com/ 
later date.  They have a blog at 
http://mklearningarden.blogspot.com/ <http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=1027598256&msgid=1990496&act=V8DY&c=415949&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fmklearningarden.blogspot.com%2F
